Friday 10 May 2019

GDP by strict meaning is Gross Domestic Product - Dr H G Joshi

Meaning the country's total goods “MARKET VALUE” product made during 1 year
When above is viewed as Per Capita Countries Population GDP/Country’s Population !! See the effect of overpopulation …. We may try any hard the growth in population will be hit by population Growth…..

The US$ is an unit and Rise/Fall of $ are confusing from the start itself. People have agreed on somewhere America Being No. 1 in Military Power Resources Infra-Structure secured future and US is indirectly maneuvering such all things in its favor. Another example in indices  LIKE OPEC where Petrol Price internationally $ is the Standardised Currency and not the gulf’s own! nor the other countries Currency… Money Market thus US$ maintains the supremacy ! when anything is judged Globally
French President made an Expert International Panel Under Joseph Spigitz. They found a lot of controversies in studying growth development and status of countries on GDP Data. The Countries to be studied are hardly 250 in all but the prosperity does depend on a lot of other factors…They were not reflecting the TRUTH and then on all agreed its not the only criteria for wealth at all.
Nowadays the progress well being is judged by many factors. People are choosing as per their own requirement. For general purpose let us say some monitoring is still required with the back of mind strong Concept of a Dynamic status……  LIKELY to happen and nothing  100% sure as a Science Student we are accustomed to understanding.
The way even Physics, Chemistry and Medical Science is evolving even
That 100 % truths are now  considered most likely or in figures;-> 100%  near to hundred truths with a remark added of DATE TAG. Like till today my bank balance at the end of the day is Rs.________and my Blood Pressure is 120/80 at 8pm yesterday night !!!
So much so is micro-studies I wonder how the couple will say, Do you Love me? answer will be given
Yes darling at this hours 10th May 10-10 IST . with no guarantee of any form!
You are cured … NO better is  You are almost Cured of symptoms and in managing your disease the protocol guidelines achieved suggesting you can be discharged! The old theory of you are cured of XYZ disease of date _____ and fit to work from _____  in micro level is not sufficient…!!!  
See any pathology report nowadays of a sophisticated investigation … You are diabetic or nondiabetic…. NO, they will say your  Hb1ac is this .. PPBS …. This …. Random …..  and your reference range is …..  So very confusing indeed.  When it comes to more sophisticated the language becomes more and more complex…
You are free from the disease on the date 10th May and Your blood sugar is -------mg% at these hours.
Your car has run XYZ .xx km till ……  your assets and your total value is ………Rs…..your EOD  end of the day Balance is ……..  sub data bank….. One requires a nerve to exactly evaluate the final figure… near to tens to kind of concept…
Share market ….. gold ……   assets…….  Again individual Price tag would keep on dynamically changing…  Still for average general purpose … experts have suggested and these are practiced perspectives…. In an evaluation of Country
This total Money in GDP  when one divides by the population the figure takes deep dip according to population….  As we saw the Formula
Other criteria being…

Do Note We Indians are not studied here in this particular article !!
As due to high population our per capita gets smaller and the wide population gives a good consumer market !!!
We are an exceptional Country and requiring a separate Study!

Health Expectancy
Social Support
Freedom to the life Choices
Percentage of Corruption
Health Indices   Growth rate, Death rate,
Happy Count
e.g. So when we praise Dubai we forget that its clean calm but military wise dependent, Foreigners settlement issues almost NO VISA and there you cannot abuse the ruler of Dubai the way we do here in India….  
Here is an image from Google studies excerpts by some expert from an article published in 2015. Without Source Tag, evidence-based say, time tag nobody will listen to you.
In spite of all these detailed hard work if anything is said is always going to be countered for criticism citing different perspectives and style of way of life the country is following.
The  Paradox like in cricket-statistics is also common here. As we see a tailender remains not out in each game only gets out once in the season is benefited by total run score as his average !!!
Politically speaking all criteria and experts are welcome to give a general opinion on any economic issue and it is essential too, but will always remain open for criticism Fair and Square.
 Dr. H G Joshi